The Right to Health axis establishes a new area of action for Redes da Maré, the result of the work that was structured during the pandemic. During this period, other buildings of the Networks served as a base for actions in the health area, as was the case of the Maré Technological Innovation Network (RITMA) - used as a covid-19 testing center for the people of Maré and, today, a laboratory for the projects of the Education axis, and the Maré Arts Center, a base for the distribution of basic food baskets.


The Right to Health Shed consolidates, therefore, the institution's work in the area and seeks to expand the various actions of Redes da Maré to other regions of the territory.


Currently, most of the projects in the Right to Health axis operate in the Shed, including: Food Security, Vacina Maré Research, Long COVID, and harm reduction work, which has its own location, the Normal Space.



Photos below: Distribution of food baskets to residents of Maré



As a result of the "Maré says NO to coronavirus" campaign, the facility was initially organized to receive donations of food baskets and hygiene kits. In 2020, deliveries were carried out at the Maré Arts Center.

However, with the resumption of activities at this facility, everything needed to be readjusted, and new spaces were either renovated or created.

Over the months, donations for other Redes da Maré’s projects also began arriving at the shed. After the consolidation of the Right to Health axis, the team gained a new workplace. In December 2022, the first edition of the "Maré Without Hunger"campaign took place, and the shed became a point of delivery and distribution for 1,493 food baskets and cleaning kits to the families in Maré who had been supported by the organization's social team since the beginning of the pandemic.

Photos 01 and 02: Distribution of food baskets to the residents of Maré.






Food Security:As a result of the "Maré Says NO to Coronavirus!" campaign in 2020, it was possible to identify more than 17,000 families experiencing food restrictions.. Emergency alternatives were presented to reduce the negative consequences of the pandemic on the food, health, and nutrition conditions of the poorest families. This included donations of food baskets and hygiene kits. As a result of this initial action, the Food Security project was consolidated, and urgent needs are addressed by the project on a weekly basis. The team also continues to systematically generate knowledge about food security in Maré and is making progress in building the Community Kitchen, which aims to produce and distribute daily meals, provide psychosocial support and influence public policies related to access to rights, with a focus on food. Since 2022, the project has been carrying out home visits and virtual services to residents via WhatsApp from Redes da Maré (+55 21 9 99924-6462).


Check out the special report "Maré Without Hunger: Food Security as a Right," conducted by the project between December 2022 and February 2023.





Vacina Maré Research:Since 2021, two cohort studies (research that follows volunteers over time) have been conducted in Maré. Around two thousand families residing in Maré, totaling just over 6,500 individuals, including children, were included in the vaccinated cohort. This study investigates topics such as vaccine effectiveness, the use of primary care in the territory, and the relationship between health and the environment. Another study, initiated in 2022, examines the consequences of COVID-19 among residents, including effects on mental health and post-COVID symptoms, and follows approximately 800 people who tested positive for the disease in 2021. You can see the research conducted so far on the dedicated website.

The research is an outgrowth of the Health Connection project, which was responsible for reducing the mortality rate by 89% in all 16 favelas of Maré, and the Vacina Maré campaign, where 36,000 residents over the age of 18 were vaccinated with at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. When compared to the favelas of Rocinha, Cidade de Deus, and Mangueira, the reduction in the number of deaths in Maré was 62%, while in the other favelas, this percentage was 27%, according to data from the 44th edition of the Health Connection Bulletin.






Open Society Foundation
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation
Center for Disease Control
Todos pela Saúde Institute



Municipal Health Secretariat
Instituto Tecgraf de Desenvolvimento de Software Técnico-Científico da PUC-Rio
Instituto D'Or de Pesquisa e Ensino



Monday to Friday, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM



E-mail: saudeadministrativo@redesdamare.org.br

Redes da Maré WhatsApp: (21) 99924-6462



Rua Guilherme Frota, 232 - Baixa do Sapateiro

CEP: 21042-750

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