The Maré We Want project brings together a series of actions in favor of guaranteeing the urban rights for the residents of the territory, based on a methodology that involves political advocacy from the identification of the non-existence or precariousness of public services, an investigation of territorial problems with residents, actors and local organizations and the collective and integrated construction of possible solutions. This is a set of movements that seek to articulate structuring actions based on the mobilization, involvement and strengthening of agents operating in Maré that directly impact the quality of life of residents.




Residents' Associations Forum (FAM)

It meets periodically, since 2009, to discuss and build actions to improve the quality of life of residents in the region in varied areas, especially urban policy, socio-environmental law, education, health and public security. In these meetings, the claims of the local population are identified and debated, promoting the strengthening of community leaders and initiatives in the territory, bringing them closer to public and private institutions and instances of government, legitimizing collective claims and seeking to strengthen the representativeness of the territory.

Meetings, demands and information are systematized, aligned with peers and forwarded to public bodies. Feedback and subsequent actions and responses are monitored by the group to ensure that they have been resolved.


The Square We Want  

Is seeks to make the squares throughout Maré comfortable and social spaces. Since the beginning of 2022, the Urban and Socio-environmental Rights axis has been in the technical diagnosis phase, identifying the existing squares and monitoring the maintenance so that possible improvements in infrastructure, aesthetics and territorial dynamics can be considered, together with to the surrounding residents.

Play Maré

It is part of the Azulejaria project, which proposes to carry out artistic interventions, using tiles technique, in the urban space. It values ​​local culture and knowledge, aligning urban intervention with environmental issues. At the moment, Play Maré is being held at Praça da Paz, in Nova Holanda, where there was a waste point. Learn more about this initiative on the Azulejaria page.

Regularization of the Streets

It pursues the recognition within the process of urbanization of the spaces and territories of Maré and focus on the guarantee and implementation of a public policy that promotes access, recognition and regularization of communities. In this way, definitive urban inclusion in balance with nature and the environment is encouraged along with the Green Maré project. Find out more about the importance of street names in this special report by Maré de Notícias. In July 2021, the Environmental Engineering Program (PEA-UFRJ) invited the axis team to participate in the seminar "Environmental Mondays", based on the work carried out by Green Maré - Climão Campaign. Watch it here aqui.

Maré Census

It is an initiative by Redes da Maré, carried out in partnership with Observatório de Favelas, the 16 residents’ associations of Maré and social organizations from other areas of the city. The Maré Census consists of a broad diagnosis of the demographic, sociocultural and economic reality, which relies on the mobilization and participation of Maré residents in all phases of the project. The action generates publications to produce knowledge about the daily life of the favelas of Maré, revealing data and information about its population in order to pay attention to the distorted representations and beliefs about who they are and how the residents of this region live. The Maré Census was published in 2019, with data collected in 2013, and also provided the development of the Maré Street Guide (2014) and the Companys Census of Maré (2014). All results support the formulation of a sustainable development plan for the territory. Access all these publications here.

Lab Semente

It seeks to support young people and their initiatives that work for the territorial development of Maré. From this networking and training processes, which include offering training and tools for project development and team management, it is expected to contribute and enhance the autonomy of youth initiatives. The basic methodology of Lab Semente’s laboratories is the exchange of knowledge offered by Redes da Maré and the initiatives promoted so that the project can unite social innovation and local knowledge in order to be effective and lasting. The initiative is from Itaú Social with Redes da Maré, and 20 young people have already benefited directly in the 2020 and 2021 editions. The last call was in 2022. Find out more here.

Some of the axis publications:

The booklet "Right to Housing in Maré" was developed from a training course for university students from Maré on the right to the city and housing and the recovery of the history of the occupations of the 16 favelas in Maré. The initiative seeks to reflect on social rights, especially the right to housing in the context of the territory. It was created with the residents in mind, so that together we can learn about and demand their rights. The publication tells us about the origin of each of Maré's 16 favelas and also indicates public facilities in the area where residents can fight for their rights.

Marégrafia Maré Arts e Artists Cartography supported local artists and contributed to greater visibility of their narratives and productions during the pandemic, through the public call “The Maré we Want 2021”. Get to know those selected and the research trajectory.

In May 2021, the first edition of Lab Semente was held, and initiatives by young people from Mare were selected to receive support and promotion through six months mentoring. In 2022, Lab Semente began its second edition. Learn more here.

The methodologies of the actions of
The Maré we Want project involve production of diagnoses and knowledge, mobilization and formation of different groups, collectives, initiatives and strategic local actors in the articulation of different networks of partnerships, political advocacy and practices.


Approaching the realities of Maré from an intersectionality perspective implies that public policies consider the different impacts that are generated in relation to the territory, social class, ethnicity, environment, and that raise territorial recognition and the right to the city as fundamental aspects that enable and condition development practices.



Photo 1 (above) and 2 (below): Preparatory Meeting for the Popular Conference for the Right to the City, at Normal Space, in April 2022. All the proposals built by residents on that day were incorporated and forwarded to the Popular Conference for the Right the city.

“The Residents' Association Forum is of great importance, as it was through it that we achieved so much for our communities in the areas of health, education and violation of rights, in addition to a better approximation of State and Municipal Government bodies.”

Pedro Francisco, president of Conjunto Esperança RA and participant of the Forum for 10 years


“Now that the project has given me this job, my mind is busier. Working helps those who are willing to change. For me, it's been wonderful, it's making me change. Society is seeing me with different eyes, they always saw me down and, nowadays, I wake up in the greatest mood, in that expectation of the time to get ready and come to work, to see my friends and my workmates.” 

Paulo Ricardo Santos, former resident of the crack scene who works at Redes da Maré since 2017


“I think it was a moment of unity for all the classes that are normally very separated. They all came together for the greater good, which was to plant and paint the school. It was cool because it gave a better look to the school that used to be very gray and is now more colorful.”

Isabela, student at Colégio Estadual João Borges in 2018, on the cleaning and planting effort of Green Maré project


“With Lab Semente, I discovered that my initiative is important for the territory and that, together with my partner, I am capable of putting it forward, structuring it from start to finish and running for public notices. The Lab also contributed to understanding about us, about the territory. From now on, we can see our initiative's strong points and those that deserve more attention. We owe it to the Lab!”

Camila Silva Mendes, 29 years old, creator of the Readings in the Favela project and participant of the 2021 Lab Semente class


Residents' Associations Forum
Shyrlei Rosendo
Mauricio Dutra 
Raphael Magacho
Territorial mobilizers and articulators
Felipe Barcelar e Mauricio Dutra

The Square We Want
Shyrlei Rosendo
Territorial Mobilizers
Mauricio Dutra e Felipe Bacelar
Mauricio Dutra e Raphael Magacho

Play Maré
Laura Taves
Raphael Magacho
Axis coordinator accompanying the project
Shyrlei Rosendo

Regularization of the Streets
Shyrlei Rosendo
Territorial Mobilizers
Mauricio Dutra e Felipe Bacelar
Mauricio Dutra e Raphael Magacho

Lab Semente
Mariane Rodrigues
Felipe Bacelar
Matheus Affonso, Kamilla Camilo e Paulo Victor
Axis coordinator accompanying the project
Shyrlei Rosendo


Itaú Social


16 Residents' Associations
XXX Região Administrativa - Maré
Companhia de limpeza urbana - Comlurb
Superintendência Regional - Área de Planejamento (AP) 3.1
Programa de Engenharia Ambiental (PEA) da UFRJ
Clínicas e Unidades de Saúde locais


WhatsApp from Redes da Maré: (21) 99924-6462
Address: Rua das Rosas, 54 - Nova Holanda (10am to 5pm)


Photos below: Meeting of the Maré Residents’ Associations Forum, in 2021, at the Maré Arts Center.



Support for the campaign “Maré says NO to the Coronavirus” with the distribution of food and hygiene baskets, masks and hand sanitizer to 47,000 households; disinfection of more than 1000 streets and alleys. Around 25 local groups and territorial actors supported the campaign. | Street name regularization process with Pereira Passos Institute, naming 154.


Participation of the presidents of Residents' Associations and the team of the Territorial Development Axis (former name of the axis) in four meetings for the implementation of the City Community Program of the Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro | Meetings with public authorities and local leaders. | Training meetings on the Right to Public Security and Access to Justice and Drug Policy, Health and Assistance for users.


The Residents Associations Forum (FAM) was created. | Beginning of a joint work plan with Fiocruz. | Opening of João Borges de Moraes School and opening of the Jeremias Moraes da Silva Family Clinic (Nova Holanda). | Elaboration of the “CRIA” project, which launched the “Chamada Livre - Youth. Territory. Human rights". to encourage actions on International Human Rights Day (December 10). | Creation of the “Marés” project, which promoted initiatives aimed at socio-environmental experiences. | The project also received invitations to external events: participation in the LivMundi Festival, participation in the Meeting of Women and Agroecology in Recife (ActionAid). | Construction of a preliminary territorial diagnosis for Parque da Maré.


Activation and expansion of participatory spaces with meetings at the Residents' Associations Forum (FAM), including 12 dialogue meetings with public authorities, and at the Attention and Care Forum for people who use crack, alcohol and other drugs in Maré. | Creation of an integrated service center in Normal Space with the ATENDA network - Integrated Service between Public and Territorial Facility. Learn more here. | Creation of an “Agenda of emergency public policies for the 16 favelas of Maré” based on the update of the document The Maré we Want (2012), within the scope of the Residents' Associations Forum (FAM). |Creation of the Associação Maré Unida, which integrates all the Residents’ Associations of Maré.


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