The Black House of Maré was established in 2019 with the aim of creating a space for theoretical-methodological and political training to address ethnic-racial issues in the 16 slums of Maré, as a way of confronting the structural racism that characterizes Brazilian society.

The project aims to work on knowledge production about race and racism in the population of Maré. It also seeks to develop actions for this specific audience, with a focus on the racial issue, from a perspective of promoting influence on public policies for the black population of Maré.

Every month, various free activities are held for the residents of Maré who make up this knowledge production of the Black House: conversation circles, film screenings, debates, training and field classes throughout the Maré territory.


Photos 1 and 2
Graduation of the class from the Racial Literacy School of Black House of Maré at the Maré Arts Center.


1:: Deepen knowledge about the black population of Maré.
2:: Continuous training on memory, racism, whiteness, privileges, education, heritage and fundamental themes to reflect on the Brazilian black identity.
3:: Mobilization in the territory: Café Preto, Cine Conceição and Corpo Negro em Movimento.
4:: Knowledge production.
5:: Continuous support networks.


#Corpo Negro em Movimento (Black Body in Motion)

A two months intensive, theoretical and practical training, with an introduction to the fundamentals of black dances, at the Maré Arts Center. The course starts from traditional manifestations to contemporary ones, through a teaching/learning model where the black body is the protagonist. The last edition took place between November and December 2021, bringing together students to learn about maculelê, jongo, afro dance and voguing.

#Cine Conceição  

Held in partnership with the Professor João Borges de Moraes State School, it offers film-debate workshops. In 2022, four editions were held for about 180 students from the school.

#Café Preto (Black Coffee)

Conversation circles about themes that cross the racial issue. Conversations have already been held on institutional racism and whiteness, religion, memory and slums, understanding how the territory of Maré and its issues became dance knowledge within the Maré Free Dance School, the impact of neoliberal policies on drug trafficking in Nova Holanda, COVID-19 and public security, among others.

#Escola de Letramento Racial (School of Racial Literacy)

The course aims to reeducate the ethnic-racial relations of young people between 16 and 33 years old, thinking about the impact of racism in everyday life and what to do from that. The training takes place over five months in modules such as: History of Brazil; Race and Racism; History of Maré; Brazilian Black Movements; and Art and the Periphery. Students receive a scholarship to help with expenses due to the training. The first edition of the school was held in 2021 and was attended by 18 students. In 2023, the School will return in person at the new Casa Preta building.

Photo 1:
First Black Coffee in July 2019, at the Women’s House of Maré

Photo 2:
In May 2022, Ciep Hélio Smidt celebrated its 30th anniversary and the Black House of Maré held a day of immersion within the school on May 13 (Abolition of Slavery), with various activities for students.



On July 29, 2019, a group of weavers from Redes da Maré gathered at the Rio Art Museum for an immersive training. The objective was to analyze data from the Maré Census and, based on that, think and propose actions for impact in the Maré Favela Complex. Analyzing the ethnic-racial profile presented by the research, one data caught attention: 62.1% of Maré residents self-declared as black or brown(the two form the "black" racial group). It is important to emphasize that this number may be higher, taking into account the effects of racism, which causes many black people not to recognize themselves as such. Immersed in this reflection and moved by historical movements carried out in Redes da Maré (such as the Maré Memories and Identities Nucleus - NUMIM, the teas with the Griôs, the Tereza de Benguela Seminar and the Women’s House of Maré, a reference space in the territory), a proposal arises: why don't we have a "Black House” of Maré?


Since 2022, the space where the Black House of Maré will be is under construction and activities are being carried out at other facilities of Redes da Maré, such as the Maré Arts Center and the Herbert Vianna Municipal Cultural Canvas. The expected inauguration of the Black House is for the first semester of 2023.

Photo 1:
Delivery of the Marielle Franco Human Rights Prize to the Black House of Maré, at Alerj, on 06/12/2022. From left to right: Rodrigo Almeida, Fernanda Viana, Renata Souza, Carlos André and Millena Ventura.

Photo 2:
Graduation of the class from the Racial Literacy School of the Black House of Maré, at the Maré Arts Center, in 2022.


Coordination: Fernanda Viana and Carlos André

Educators: Millena Ventura and Tiago Blanc
Producer: Rodrigo Almeida
Mobilizers: David Alves and Ludmylla Braga


Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro - Secretaria Municipal de Cultura do Rio de Janeiro

BTG Pactual

Banco BV 


Instituto Cultural Vale

Ministério da Cultura Governo Federal


EM João Borges de Morais

Ciep Professor César Pernetta

Ciep Hélio Smidt

Escola Rio Olimpíadas 2016


Email: eixoarteecultura@redesdamare.org.br e Email: casapreta@redesdamare.org.br

Whatsapp da Redes da Maré: (21) 99924-6462

Address: Rua Sargento Silva Nunes, 1016 - Nova Holanda - Maré 



Finalização da formação sobre Racismo Estrutural para tecedores da Redes da Maré com a educadora Aline Maia | Exposição Negras Marés no Centro de Artes da Maré que contou com 20 artistas e 670 visitantes | Caminhos da Maré em homenagem a Tereza de Benguela, discutindo raça e gênero através da bicicletada | Cartilha do Coração, projeto em parceria com o Eixo Direito à Saúde que contou com uma publicação e formações para profissionais de saúde sobre saúde coronária da população negra na Maré | Escola de Letramento Racial 2023, composta por 20 alunos, jovens e moradores do conjunto de 16 favelas da Maré | Evento Novembro Negro que contou com 4 atividades para o público adulto e infantil sobre valorização da negritude na Maré | Lançamento do 1º caderno da publicação “Racialidades e Identidades” com o título “Práticas e experiências racializadas na Maré” que conta com 8 textos escritos pela equipe e coordenação do projeto.


Start of the 2022 Racial Literacy School, consisting of 25 students, young people and residents of the set of 16 slums of Maré. | 1st edition of the talk show "Me gritaram NEGRA - Intersections between race and gender in Maré", with 22 participants, which presented reflections on the trajectory of the black woman in society. | Talk show "Womanhoods, Reproductive Rights and Ancestral Knowledge" that promoted a moment of exchange and discussion about the reproductive rights of women. | In celebration of the 30th anniversary of CIEP Hélio Smidt, the Black House was invited to produce and carry out actions aimed at teaching ethnic and racial themes. The action was carried out on May 13, which allowed for a re-signification of the date.


Launch of the Black House of Maré and presentation of the visual identity. | Editions of the Quilombismo courses - presentation of the theoretical foundations of Quilombismo, present in the work of Abdias do Nascimento, and discussion about the author's thought bases. | Special edition of Maré Paths: "Experiences of black women in Maré". which brought together women from the Black House, the Women's House and the Maré Residents' Memory and Identity Center (Numim), in celebration of the Day of the Black Latin American and Caribbean Woman (25/07). | Live transmission on 09/27 to reflect on ancestry and the fight against religious racism, with the participation of Dofonitinha Cristina de Iansã, Mother Flávia Pinto, Pastor Cosme Felippsen and moderation by Luma Motta, on Redes da Maré’s Instagram.


In July 2019, a group of weavers from Redes da Maré met at the Rio Art Museum for an immersive formation based on the last Maré Population Census, where work groups created impact proposals for the set of 16 slums of Maré. One of these groups analyzed the ethnic and racial profile and, after a data analysis and reflections, a suggestion arose: "why don' t we have a 'Black House' of Maré" Meetings were held to not let the idea be forgotten, so the first activity of the Black House were born: the Black Coffee, in August 2019.


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